E&E Solutions Inc.
Approaches to the environment
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Environmental Philosophy

We, E&E Solutions Inc., will provide consulting services of superior quality to immediately address the needs of customers in Japan and abroad with respect to the various environmental and energy challenges confronting humankind. At the same time, we will do our part to conserve the global environment and realize a sustainable society, with all employees striving to reduce the environmental footprint of our services.

Environment Policy

With ceaseless attention to five guiding principles for action (creativity, advancement, eagerness, speed, and integrity), we will provide our customers in Japan and abroad with top-level services and strive to accumulate expertise and refine technologies toward this end.
We will conduct assessments to enhance our business activities as a company that contributes to environmental improvement in society.
We will strive to reduce our environmental footprint in all of our business activities.
We will formulate targets and plans relating to environmental management, unfailingly execute actions toward achieving them, and aim for continuous improvement.
We will comply with all environmental laws and regulations.
We will prepare periodic environmental activity reports and make them available to the public.
We will continuously engage in the following activities to build stronger environmental awareness.
Promote activities leading to resource and energy savings
Promote green purchasing
Reduce waste and promote recycling
Promote employee education
Ensure thorough knowledge of the Environmental Management Policy among all employees
Established on November 4, 2011
Revised on March 30, 2020
E&E Solutions, Inc.
Representative Director Satoshi Kawakami

Acquirement of Eco-Action 21 certification

We established an Environment Committee and began environmental activities in 2009.
Since acquiring Eco-Action 21 certification in September 2012, we have been taking a two-pronged approach toward further developing our environmental activities. This involves reducing the environmental footprint associated with our business activities and making environmental contributions through our business.

We prepare an “Environmental Activities Report” as one part of this effort. On one hand, the report serves as a disclosure tool for reporting our activities and achievements to society at large. However, we also publish it to help each of our employees get a better understanding of the importance of environmental activity and to promote such activity for better environmental management.

Environmental Activities Report

Examples of EcoAction 21 activities
Collection of small household appliances, reuse of backing paper, collection of used books, UNICEF foreign currency collection
Field study (once per year)
We conduct a “field study” program for employees that allows them to visit facilities outside the company. The objective is to provide them with an opportunity to encounter new knowledge and expertise that is outside their daily work as well as an opportunity for employee interaction. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the field study program for fiscal 2020 used remote technologies to have employees participate in activities titled “Live Tour of Nairobi National Park (Nairobi National Park, Kenya)” and a “Live from Semenggoh Wildlife Centre! Orangutan Feeding and Staff Interviews at a Protection Facility (Semenggoh Wildlife Centre, Borneo)” (February 2021).



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