E&E Solutions Inc.
Business Description

Support for Wind Power Introduction and Operation

We make it easier to start a wind power project. For all aspects of the wind power business―from the project conception stage to confirmation of work completion and replacement―we provide services centered on project finance support for financial institutions and operators.
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Markets and Trends

Wind power is the fastest-growing type of renewable energy in the world because it generates power efficiently with little environmental impact and at low generation cost. However, despite these advantages, wind power has been slow to gain traction in Japan. This is particularly true of offshore wind power.
Although there are issues of environmental impact, grid interconnection-related limitations, and other various hurdles that must be overcome, wind power is expected to become increasingly commonplace in the years ahead.
Support for Project Planning, Feasibility Studies (FS)
An important step at the wind power development planning stage is the selection of optimal locations with attention to wind conditions as well as environmental conditions and local community concerns.
We possess a vast pool of data and resources that is useful in selecting the best wind power locations and can provide the ideal services associated with site selection and zoning.
We also conduct simple feasibility studies to assess project practicality at the earliest stages.
Service Examples
Selection of optimal sites and zoning based on available materials (e.g., wind maps, data on natural and social circumstances, etc.)
Project feasibility outlines (simple feasibility studies)
Feasibility Studies (FS)
In general, it refers to the prior examination of a planned project to verify its feasibility. It is abbreviated as “FS” or “F/S” by taking the initials of “feasibility study.”
In the case of a wind power project, the key to realizing the project is to assess it as accurately and quantitatively as possible, giving consideration to natural and social conditions other than wind.
Wind Observation
When commercializing wind power generation, it is both standard practice and important to conduct wind observations at the candidate site. This normally involves installing an observation mast of about 60 meters in height and then taking measurements for at least one year. Moreover, as wind turbines have grown larger, it has become commonplace to also make wind observations using Doppler lidar, which is a form of remote sensing technology.
We provide services covering all aspects of wind observation, from the selection of observation points and equipment to data analysis and assessment.
Service Examples
On-site wind observations with observation masts (site selection, study of observation specifications, equipment installation, data management, equipment removal, data analysis and assessment)
On-site wind observations with Doppler lidar (site selection, study of observation specifications, equipment installation, data management, equipment removal, data analysis and assessment, correlation analysis with observation masts)
Technical Due Diligence, Checks During Construction (Progress Monitoring)/Post-Completion Checks
It takes a considerable amount of time to get a wind power project off the ground. Moreover, the length of power purchase agreements is generally around 20 years. These factors mean that the time between the structuring of project finance and the completion of repayment is quite long. Technical due diligence for operators is divided into four stages: before conclusion of financing contract, during construction, at the completion of construction, and after the start of commercial operation. At each stage, a third-party review that takes technical issues into account is conducted to identify risks that could have an adverse impact on commercialization and wind farm operations.
Service Examples
Risk assessment covering technical and environmental aspects of the project plan before the conclusion of the financing contract (Stage 1)
Progress monitoring of construction/validity assessment of process and work changes during construction (Stage 2)
Verification of equipment completion and performance at the completion of construction (Stage 3)
Performance verification, period inspection reviews, and troubleshooting support after the start of commercial operation (Stage 4)
Project Finance
This is financing that provides loans to specific projects. It limits the capital used for repayment to the cash flow generated from the project. It also limits collateral to assets and rights connected with the project.
Unlike corporate finance, which relies on the sponsor’s creditworthiness, project finance is based on a non-recourse approach whereby the obligation for repayment does not extend to the sponsor. Consequently, financial institutions require a highly specialized third-party assessment of risks that could adversely affect project continuation and cash flow when structuring project finance.



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