E&E Solutions Inc.
Business Description

Support for Renewable Energy Introduction

We were providing services for introducing renewable energy throughout Japan even before renewable energy became as commonplace as it is today. We draw on our abundant store of achievements, experiences, and technologies to assist in the introduction of various renewable energies through zoning and other study-based services.
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Markets and Trends

In addition to being the most effective means of combatting global warming, the introduction of renewable energy is attracting attention and gaining necessity in terms of the use of purely domestic energy sources, development of independent power sources, and other vantage points. Renewable energy faces a number of challenges, including grid interconnection-related limitations arising from its nature as a variable power supply, its environmental impacts, and the decreasing availability of suitable land for power facility construction. Nonetheless, its introduction is expected to become increasingly common in the years ahead.
Observation services (wind surveys, etc.)
Available renewable energy resources are unevenly distributed from region to region, a fact that significantly affects project practicality. Particularly in the case of wind power development, this makes it important to accurately grasp the volume of wind resources available, which in turn makes conducting wind observations at candidate sites essential. We provide a variety of services for weather observation and data analysis, including services covering all aspects of wind observation (from the selection of observation points and equipment to data analysis and assessment).
Service Examples
On-site wind observations with observation masts (site selection, study of observation specifications, equipment installation, data management, equipment removal, data analysis and assessment)
On-site wind observations with Doppler lidar (site selection, study of observation specifications, equipment installation, data management, equipment removal, data analysis and assessment, correlation analysis with observation masts)
Abundance/potential studies (zoning, etc.)
Renewable energy power plants require the selection of appropriate sites with consideration for natural and social conditions. This selection is based on the accurate identification and estimation of the available amounts of wind, solar radiation, and the like.
We possess a vast store of data, know-how, experience, and achievements that is useful in selecting the best sites for power plants. We make effective use of these resources, which include data from the Geographic Information System (GIS), to provide services concerning potential surveys and site selection.
Service Examples
Selection of optimal sites and zoning based on available materials (e.g., databases for wind conditions, insolation data, etc.; data on natural and social circumstances, etc.)
Simple studies and evaluations of wind and weather conditions, etc.
Zoning for renewable energy
Zoning is “an undertaking from the standpoint of promoting environmental protection and renewable energy to comprehensively evaluate an area (e.g., an area that should be protected or area to be promoted) to achieve specific objectives based on discussions among concerned parties.” Zoning-related activities undertaken by model projects of the Ministry of the Environment and local governments are gaining momentum.
Particularly in the case of wind power generation projects, it is important to consider various natural and social conditions and then select promising areas where development is feasible. From there, it is important to identify those areas in which development should be prioritized and those areas in which it should be avoided due to environmental or other reasons. Thus, zoning is an approach that facilitates efficient introduction and promotion.
Studies for the sale or purchase of power generation facilities
The sale or purchase of power plants involves numerous phases, starting with pre-project planning and including construction, operation of generation equipment, and the transfer of project rights. Precise ascertainment and evaluation of asset value are required at each stage.
We provide services for assessing and analyzing the value of targeted power generation facilities and project risks. These services are based on re-forecasting of energy yield, various technical assessments, contract reviews, and O&M evaluations.
Service Examples
Studies and assessments of renewable energy power plants after the start of commercial operation
Studies and assessments of renewable energy power plants at the planning and construction phases
Studies and assessments of renewable energy power plants for replacement



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