E&E Solutions Inc.
Business Description

Environmental Assessments

We provide services that include environmental assessments related to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act or ordinances, living environment impact assessments related to the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act, and voluntary environmental assessments by businesses. In particular, we have extensive experience in the field of wind power plants and waste treatment facilities.
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Markets and Trends

After the nuclear power plant accident caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) Act, and the complete liberalization of electric power, the national strategy for Carbon Neutral by 2050 (Green Growth Strategy [December 2020]) has been announced, and the business of generating electricity from renewable energy sources such as wind power and solar power are anticipated to expand further.
Environmental assessments for wind farms, etc.
Possible environmental impacts arising from wind farms and the like include the effects of noise, turbine shadows, and underwater noise as well as effects on plants, animals, and landscapes.
We conduct studies, predictions, and assessments after considering appropriate assessment items and study methods, etc. based on project plans and regional characteristics. We also provide explanations to local residents and support the inspection procedures of government bodies.
Moreover, we conduct a broad range of services that include not only environmental assessment packages but also item-specific studies and simulations.
Service Examples
Environmental assessments (based on Acts and Ordinances)
Voluntary environmental assessments by businesses
Studies and simulations (noise, ultra-low frequency noise, water turbidity, wind turbine shadows, underwater noise, birds, bats, fish, marine mammals, landscapes, etc.)
Environmental assessments (environmental impact assessments)
This is a system whereby, during the process of determining the details of a development project, project operators voluntarily conduct studies, predictions, and assessments of how the project will impact the environment. The operators then publicize the results, listen to opinions from the general public and local public organizations. Based on those views, develop the better project plan from the perspective of environmental conservation.
(Reference: Outline of the environmental assessment system Ministry of the Environment pamphlet)
Environmental assessments for
waste treatment facilities
Possible environmental impacts arising from incineration facilities, final disposal sites, and the like include the effects of air pollution, noise, and odors as well as effects on plants, animals, and landscapes.
We conduct studies, predictions, and assessments after considering appropriate assessment items and study methods, etc. based on project plans and regional characteristics. We also provide explanations to local residents and execute the inspection procedures of government bodies.
Moreover, we conduct a broad range of services that include not only environmental assessment but also consultation on item-specific studies and simulations.
Service Examples
Living environment assessments
Environmental assessments (based on Acts and Ordinances)
Studies and simulations (air quality, noise, vibration, odors, water quality, groundwater, soil, animals, birds of prey, bats, plants, landscapes, etc.)



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+81 (0)3 6328 0080Inquiries are accepted between 10:00 am and 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday