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We held a webinar on offshore wind power with the Royal Danish Embassy and Ramboll


E&E Solutions (E&ES), in collaboration with the Royal Danish Embassy and Ramboll, held two webinars on November 2nd and 4th, 2021, on “Sustainable Development of Offshore Wind Power in Japan – Environmental and Social Considerations for Project Financing”.

  The theme on November 2nd was “Overview of Consenting System for Offshore Wind Farm in Japan”. From the E&ES side, Ayako Ogisu of Global Environmental Department presented “Overview of the Government Regulatory Process for Offshore Wind Energy Development in Japan”, while Maki Takahashi of GHG Energy Solution Department gave a presentation on “Process and Considerations of the Environmental Impact Assessment “.

  The theme on November 4th was “Overview of Technical, Environmental and Social Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms”. Ramboll presented “Overview of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments and Mitigations of Offshore Wind Developments”, and Daiji Naito from E&ES Global Environmental Department presented “The Application of Environmental and Social Standards for International Financing of Offshore Wind Farm Projects”.
  Ramboll (HQ: Denmark) is one of the world’s leading environmental and technical consulting companies with about 300 offices worldwide and more than 30 years of experience in offshore wind power in Europe. E&ES formed a technical partnership with Ramboll in 2015 and has worked with them on a variety of domestic and international projects.

  In recent years, legislation for the introduction of offshore wind power in Japan has been progressing, and it is expected that the development of offshore wind power will become more active in the future. More than 100 people attended each webinar, including business companies, government agencies, and financial institutions, demonstrating the high level of interest in offshore wind power in Japan.

  E&ES will continue to make further efforts to support offshore wind power development from both environmental and technical sides.


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